When you use your research, make sure to cite your sources!
Check out our Citation Guide (linked below) to help you get started, and make sure you're properly citing in-text and on your reference page, and using the correct formats and styles required for your subject:
Before you submit your paper, don't forget to double-check!
To get the A-OK on your original, properly-cited work, upload your work to Turnitin (linked below) before you hand it in. The website will also highlight areas where you might have missed the correct citations or made any referencing mistakes.
ProQuest Research Companion is an online course designed to help you understand and successfully complete academic-level research and writing. Each lesson unit offers a series of videos and quizzes to help you choose a topic, locate information from the right kinds of sources, select and reference the best evidence, and finally write a research-based essay. Create an account on the site to get started.
For off-campus access, remember to log in with your valid AUK username and password to view the collections
Gale Research Complete is an online database platform that is designed to collect, preserve, and organize rare and unique content for classroom research. Try a few basic keywords for almost any subject you're researching, and find an extensive array of primary source archives and educational platforms with eBooks, encyclopedia entries, biographies, and other useful materials.
For off-campus access, remember to log in with your valid AUK username and password to view the collections